Wednesday 3 January 2018

Define your Style with Address Stamps

We know how exciting it could be to give your happy new homeowners the very first thing that will make them feel a sense of belonging as they settle into their new space.
An address stamp is an elegant and decent present because it offers you a unique way to communicate your thanks as well as your own marketing message. Custom address stamps allow you to add a customized message to the mount’s index, which makes it a powerful marketing tactic since it combines your unique message with a much-needed product that people use on a regular basis.
The success of a promotional item is based on how often a client or potential client uses it. Everyone who mails anything needs to apply their return address to their packages or envelopes. During the first few weeks after closing, a new homeowner is changing addresses and notifying family and friends of their new home. Your message will be at their fingertips each time, increasing the opportunity for word of mouth marketing. In addition, keeping your message in front of the client for years to come as it leaves thousand of impressions.
Custom address stamps can include multiple lines of typed text which can include a phone number or email address in addition to the name and address of the new home owner. Most real estate agents use the new home owner’s name and address because it naturally fits with their business relationship, but any custom message can be included on the stamp.
Address stamps are unique in a number of ways as these are personalized for both you and your customer. A realtor can take their colored marketing message that can include a branding slogan, company name, photo, and contact information, and permanently embed the image onto the front of each stamp. A realtor’s client information will show once the stamp is pushed down onto an envelope or another piece of stationery. Adding the touch of a personal rubber stamp to your correspondence is the perfect finishing touch to a realtor/client business relationship and has benefits for both you and your client.

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